I am going to create an Ojooo strategy to earn $30-$35 per day. You already know about Wad. Ojooo and also how to work on it. If you already know about this then let us know.
That wed.ojooo strategy aims is very realistic. Earn 30 $ per day first. If you start without any investment, then it will take about 3 months. On this strategy, I agree that your Rent Referral (RR) is really active and their click average is really high (around 4 ~ 6.5).
Ojooo strategy to Earn $18-$25 Daily: For the first 15 days
- If you are not yet a member sign up here
- Bitcoin / Ethereum Wallet to withdraw your earnings (create one if you don’t have any)
- You can earn $ 0.090 ~ $ 1.08 per day by clicking on all the advertisements provided by them.
- When you earn $ 2 transfer this money to upgrade and rental balance or purchase balance and then buy 10 RR. The fare fee for each one is $ 0.20
- After purchasing 10 RRs set Auto-Pay for those 5 RRs that are going to expire in the next 5 days so that they are not wasted.
- Click on the average of each RR.
- You will earn around $ 0.25-0.85 a day if your RR has a higher clicking average.
Ojooo strategy to Earn $18-$25 daily 2: Expand your RRs until reaching 100 RRs
- After 7 days 7 more referrals can be hired. Your earnings are $ 0.5 per day. (50 RR)
- After 7 days 7 more referrals can be hired. Your earning is $ 0.6 per day. (60 RR)
- After 7 days 7 more referrals can be hired. Your earning is $ 0.7 per day. (70 RR)
Ojooo strategy to Earn $18-$25 Daily: Membership upgrade
- If you have 150 RR you can earn around $ 2.2 – $ 3.4 per day. (It will take a lot of time to reach 150 RR without investing about 2 – 3 months)
- Earn 80 days with 150 RR and save as long as you have enough to upgrade your membership No money, after 70 days your earnings will be $ 150. The maximum number of RRs for a standard member is 150.
- For example, the Ojooo Premium membership is $ 30 dollars a month. When you buy it the income will be approximately 1.7 times eran.
Ojooo strategy to Earn $20-$25 daily Stage 4: Resume acquiring RRs until 3000 RRs
- When you have 1800 RR you can earn $ 800 per month.
- When you have 3500 RR you can earn $ 38.
- Join and Eran Start – Join Here
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